Get Started Sending with eSignature (Retired)

Get Started Sending with eSignature (Retired)

In this series, learn how to get started sending with DocuSign eSignature.

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This learning plan has been retired. Please see the Get Started Sending with DocuSign eSignature and Customize Your DocuSign eSignature Process learning plans for our updated content.

Welcome to the Get Started Sending with eSignature Learning Plan. This learning plan is ideal for new DocuSign eSignature users who are looking to get started quickly or current users looking for a refresher on the basics. Courses in this plan focus on the knowledge and skills you need to send your first envelope, set up your DocuSign profile, perform envelope actions after sending envelopes, and send from a mobile device.

Complete the full learning plan or select the courses and topics that best support your learning needs. Once enrolled, you can access these on-demand, self-paced courses at any time from your profile.

Related Learning Plans

To continue learning to use DocuSign eSignature features and options, we recommend courses in the Customize eSignature Sending Options Learning Plan: 
•  Assign Recipient Actions for Sending
•  Configure Envelopes for Sending 
•  Customize Fields for Sending
•  Manage Your Envelopes 

To continue developing and customizing your eSignature workflow, we recommend courses in the Establish Your eSignature Process Learning Plan: 
•  Send Using Document Visibility 
•  Send Using PowerForms and Bulk Send 
•  Send Using Print Driver 
•  Send with eNotary 
•  Send Using Conditional Routing