Send Using Advanced Workflow Features

Send Using Advanced Workflow Features

Learn how to use advanced eSignature features that will help you optimize your workflows.

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Über diesen Kurs

Estimated time: 30 minutes

This course focuses on the benefits of using advanced eSignature features to bring greater speed, flexibility, and control to your workflows. After reviewing this course, you will be able to speed up agreement workflows by using conditional routing, signing groups, and shared access; add flexibility to your workflows by using delayed routing and advanced recipient types; and gain added control over your workflows by using document visibility and supplemental documents.

Über diesen Kurs

Estimated time: 30 minutes

This course focuses on the benefits of using advanced eSignature features to bring greater speed, flexibility, and control to your workflows. After reviewing this course, you will be able to speed up agreement workflows by using conditional routing, signing groups, and shared access; add flexibility to your workflows by using delayed routing and advanced recipient types; and gain added control over your workflows by using document visibility and supplemental documents.