Send Your First Envelope

Send Your First Envelope

Learn how to use Docusign eSignature to send digital agreements.

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Über diesen Kurs

Estimated time: 30 minutes

This course details the steps required to send envelopes using Docusign eSignature. After reviewing this course, you will be able to send digital agreements using eSignature, select and use recipient actions, and add identity verification methods and access codes to envelopes. You will also have a basic understanding of sending envelopes using a template or Docusign Print Driver.

Über diesen Kurs

Estimated time: 30 minutes

This course details the steps required to send envelopes using Docusign eSignature. After reviewing this course, you will be able to send digital agreements using eSignature, select and use recipient actions, and add identity verification methods and access codes to envelopes. You will also have a basic understanding of sending envelopes using a template or Docusign Print Driver.